This? Need a new logo? Graphic direction? Icons? Inspirational non-nonsense statements defining your purpose, mission, proposition and all that? (Not all that — you don’t need endless repetitive statements — three or four will do.) A nice brand book to wrap it all up with a bow?
Well, you should have said. Come on in.
We can do all of the above.
From the days when the guy who co-started Superdry® used to sit on our shoulder or at the end of a fax machine directing logos for his various ventures — Bench Clothing, Soho Coffee Co. and more that didn’t make it — to now, brand identity has been our personal fave thing to get stuck into.
We’ll find out what makes you tick and what makes your audience tingle in the places they didn’t know tingled, sprinkle in meaning and surprise, nextness and timelessness, and deliver your brand identity.
If we’re talking logos, three or so options will be tabled with all the rationale in place, and we’ll develop, together, from there. Probably, you’ll get animated versions. Definitely a package of variants and instructions on how best to use. Other brand-defining bits happen differently but it’s all a back and forth. Proposals, reasoning, feedback, discussions, refinement.
Magic will happen. Smiles for miles. Inspiration maxed. New look locked in.