Campaign creative

This? You have a great thing that does the right thing but want help making it stand out in the right way.

You might have come to the right place.

We think different because our minds are wired that way. Simple as that. We like to think and make people think. Stop people in their tracks. Change minds. Illuminate. Slap brains awake.

Some examples.

Rather than a campaign selling products around the holidays with shiny graphics and celebs, we* thought of, wrote and built a campaign around feeling warm and fuzzy about the people you buy for at Christmas. That was “Bring Sport Home” for adidas — their Holiday 2018 push.

For Converse, we* pitched a concept of using high schoolers of all sorts as models, wearing (get this) their own clothes — ideally Converse on their feet but whatever. It would have celebrated normal, weird, people above brand, equity, and flown in the face of pretty, polished, brand above all. Converse loved it. But they weren’t brave enough to do it.

For a public safety campaign, we* headlined out-of-context, impactful things to say when intervening on sexual harassment with disruptive typography and design. That grabbed attention and sparked curiosity. Readers had to read on to know the intent, get inspired, find out more and even sign up for free intervention training. This won awards.

When Columbia rebooted their in-store efforts post-Covid, we* proposed that all the store displays be overtly made out of recycled cardboard or sustainable wood. No plastic, no plexy, no light boxes. Celebrate better choices for nature. Columbia loved the idea and had us bake it into everything. Oh yeah, we designed all the displays too.

*When we say “we”, it was our Chris Noble directly doing this work for agencies where he worked at the time.

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